Your Simple Guide to Gua Sha.
Learn my simple and effective daily Gua Sha rituals designed to be used specifically with the 'Gua Char', my carefully crafted crystal. Learn how to safely lift and tone your muscles and boost your circulation for a beautiful, radiant glow.
What you will learn.
When I decided to design a Gua Sha I did a fair amount of market and consumer research. I was fascinated to find most people owned a Gua Sha but didn't use it...and why? Because they didn't know what to do with it, or couldn't relate theirs to the version on the videos they were watching on TikTok or Youtube. I instantly thought, I need to make this so accessible and straightforward with clear, short rituals to help people - You, understand how incredible this is .
I present to you the 'Gua Char' and I'm as proud as can be.